Monday, 28 July 2014

Iranian facts (things that I found interesting)

Things that you didn’t know about Iran… (all the things were told to me by Iranians or I saw them happening, I am so sorry if you disagree but these were written according to my experiences)

  • Boyfriend and girlfriend are not allowed to be together in public (no exception)
  • You can marry your girlfriend for a short time (many couples do that in order to be able to be together in public)
    The New Modern Mosque
    People playing at night

  • Men are allowed to marry many women, women are allowed to marry only one man.
  • Women must wear hijab all the time in front of men. (I guess they take it away when they go to sleep).
  • Alcoholic drinks are forbidden
    The Capital at night

    Nothing to playing at night
  • This is the Islamic Republic of Iran, therefore if you were born in a Muslim family you should be a Muslim.
  • As they have to be Muslim, they say they are Muslim…by name, but the reality is that society is very secular here and many people don’t believe in Islam.
  • If a Muslim converts into Christianity, he/she must be killed.
    Typical Ramadan food (it is similar to something in Argentina)

    I converted somebody in a "Gaucho"
  • There is “freedom” of belief but not of spreading your ideas (unless you are Muslim)
  • There are Jewish Iranians
  • There are Christians in Iran that gather in their churches (official churches such as the Armenian Orthodox church)
    Armenian Orthodox Church in Tehran

  • If you ask many of the young girls in the street if they want to wear hijab… they will say no.
  • Not all Iranians are Persian, there are Azeri, Turkmen, Kurdish and Arab people(and there might be more races that I haven’t heard of)
  • Bahrain was part of Iran but it got its independence some years ago.
    The Veil helps men no to have desires...

    Freedom Square (Azadi) they told me this is the most Ironic Monument here
  • The south of Iran wants to be independent (Arab majority)
  • Vasectomy is forbidden
  • Men have to wear long trousers all the time, the only exception is when they go to the beach.
  • Satellites are forbidden, though most of the houses have one that they use to watch western channels.
  • Many websites are forbidden (facebook, youtube, and thousands of others), but if you buy a cheap software in the streets you can filter your computer and use it for whatever you want.
    Iman Khomeini Airport

    Park at 1 am in the morning

    The Army of my enemies...
  • ATM machines only receive Iranian cards.
  • An average salary is between USD 225 and USD 300.
  • Iranians don’t need visa for some countries, such as Venezuela and Ecuador.
  • They are very hospitable.
  • Boys have to be 2 years in the army, it is obligatory. They cannot leave the country until they complete their military service (they cannot be passport holders).
    My Iranian family

  • Farsi use the same alphabet as Arabic but they are totally different (It is like Spanish and English, they use the same alphabet but they are different)
  • There are no terrorists’ attacks in Iran, you don’t see destroyed houses or buildings.
  • The average people don’t have any problem with the US or Israel, most of them say that is a stupid political thing, though you find people that are anti-Israel and anti-US.
    Anti Israel sign in the metro
  • Women don’t wear burka here, women can study, work, drive, go shopping alone, go to the beach alone, etc.
  • Women cannot smoke in public, but men can!
  • There is a special police department; they patrol the streets looking at the way of dressing of the people. They can put you in prison if you are a girl and they think your dress is too short or your trousers to tight. These “fashion police officers” (gashte Ershad) help you to go to heaven teaching you the good way.
  • Crazy traffic in Tehran
  • The weekend days are Thursday and Friday. They work from Sunday to Wednesday. 
    This reminds me of Jujuy

  • Non Alcoholic beer

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